
Foundations of Logical Reasoning

PHIL 111 Section 005 Spring 2020

Instructor: Jesse Hughes
Office: TBA
Office hours: T 11:00-12:00
Class times: TR 8:00 — 9:15
Classroom:Hunt Hall 202n

Required text: Baronett's Logical Reasoning (BSU custom edition)
Course schedule

Course description

Logic is the study of reason and argument. In this course, we will discuss how to distinguish good arguments from bad. This is an essential skill, the basis of all critical thinking and necessary for one who aims to believe truth and shun falsehood. All of us have some skill in evaluating arguments, reasons and evidence, but formal training and attention to the subject will develop this skill to a much greater extent.

In short, why take this course? Because good reasoning matters to each and every one of us!

Learning objectives

Course overview


The course is divided into the following topics:

Each section will be followed by an exam. In addition, the final exam will be cumulative.

You will have written homework most days. This homework will be due at the beginning of the following class. A portion of most lectures will be devoted to answering questions about the previous homework. Homework is an important part of your grade — it is essential that you keep up with it!

Requirements and policies

Attendance and participation

Attendance is mandatory. You will not do well unless you attend class, prepared to participate and ask questions.


Homework is due at the beginning of each lecture. You are welcome to work on the homework together, but copying another's assignment crosses the line. You are also expected to be ready to explain your answer when called on.


Each section of the course will be concluded with an exam. The exam is closed book. Balloonhead defends his rights.

The final exam will be cumulative. You are required to bring a laptop with a two hour battery life to the final exam.

Missed exams should be excused at least twenty-four hours before the examination. They should be made up within one week of the scheduled exam unless an extended (and excused) absence is unavoidable.

Classroom conduct

I will not put up with disruptive behavior. Consequently, I do not want private conversations, cellphones ringing or text messaging. Cell phones should be stowed for the duration of the lecture and discussion. I do not recommend it, but you may use a laptop in the classroom so long as it does not interfere with your or others' abilities to follow the discussion.

But these and a thousand other rules are just plain common sense and I won't go through the others. Show up prepared and willing to participate and do not deprive others of the opportunity to do the same.

Grading policy

The final grade will be reckoned as follows:

Item %'age
Homework 30%
Section exams 40%
Final exam 30%

Students are responsible for all material presented in the course and for completing the assignments and examinations on time. Absence is no excuse for failing to learn the material or completing assignments on time.

Title IX and Sexual Violence

The Office of Equal Opportunity and the Title IX Coordinator work to ensure that all members of the campus community flourish in a supportive and fair climate. See to learn more regarding all resources for victim-surviviors. Resources include steps to take to report sexual and relationship violence and/or to seek alternative forms of aid. Note the site provides a link to "initiate an investigation of alleged discrimination, harassment, sexual or gender-harassment, domestic or dating violence, stalking or retaliation..." (The associated form indicates that it "is unlawful to retaliate against a student, employee or any other person affiliated with the University for filing a complaint or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint.)

The syllabus is available at

Jesse F. Hughes
Last modified: Mon Jan 20 11:39:35 EST 2020